16th January 2017
2 minutes

Beech brushes off Brexit fears to create 20 jobs

Beech Holdings has created 20 jobs, despite the uncertainty that Brexit has brought to the economy, with headcount set to rise to 120 across the firm’s portfolio of businesses.

The announcement follows a £1m investment in the group’s 9,000 sq ft headquarters, which soon-to-depart Manchester City council chief executive Sir Howard Bernstein helped to unveil shortly after the vote to leave the EU was confirmed last summer.

Founder Stephen Beech said his firm – which includes Beech Construction, Beech Properties and lettings branch Manchester Apartments – is well placed to adapt to “anything unsettling” that the triggering of Article 50 might bring.

He said: “2017 is going to be a big year for Beech Holdings, with plenty of exciting projects in the pipeline.

“It follows on from a fantastic 2016 which saw us take on 63 new members of staff, meaning our headcount at the end of the year was 100. Collectively, our expert staff bring unloved historic buildings back to useful purpose and provide affordable high standard low carbon apartments to new graduates and young professionals.

“Due to the confidence in our overall offering and huge demand for it, the 20 new available positions at our Manchester city centre headquarters on Oxford Street will be filled by the end of April.”

He added: “It reinforces our commitment to not only nurture local talent but allows us to continue to bring fresh talent into the northwest from other parts of the UK and from abroad.

“From our perspective, the UK economy doesn’t seem to be slowing down. We meet often with investors from all over the world who support our product. This, in line with the demand for what we offer, means that Beech Holdings won’t stop investing in Manchester or helping to drive its economy.”

Mr Beech said his company owns 20 significant city-centre buildings after recently acquiring a plot of land in Castlefield – which will be transformed into 53 low carbon apartments by the end of 2018 and called Deansgate South.

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