11th December 2019
1 minute

Beech Holdings hold property investment seminar in Cairo

Last week we hosted our inaugural property investment seminar at the Four Seasons Hotel in Cairo. The seminar was hosted in collaboration with Deyar, an expert real estate broker based in London.

Overlooking Egypt’s famous Nile river, the seminar spanned across two days, bringing together Cairo’s property investors alongside those from further afield who had travelled to Cairo for the event.

In partnership with Deyar, we showcased our diverse portfolio of properties to the Cairo market, introducing them to our highly anticipated luxury development, Ancoats Gardens.

The event introduced attendees to property investment in the UK, aiming to help investors learn how to invest wisely and secure maximum returns on investment.

The key speakers at the seminar were Beech Holdings owner and award-winning UK property Investor Stephen Beech, as well as UK market expert Elliot Vure and Deyar owner Ammar Nouth.

Previously featured on the BBC, Property entrepreneur Stephen Beech was keen to share his extensive knowledge of the UK property market and help investors make sense of the ever-evolving property sector in the UK.

Overall the event was a great success, we’ve connected with future investors of Ancoats Gardens – who will help us in our mission in continuing to deliver outstanding residential developments in Manchester City Centre.

For those unable to make it to Cairo, we recorded the seminar live, visit our YouTube page to watch. If you don’t have access to YouTube, we’ve also added it to Vimeo.

If you have any questions about the seminar or would like to find out more, get in touch, we’d love to hear from you.

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