24th August 2016
2 minutes

Expert opinion : Stephen Beech

Boss of Beech Holdings, shares his thoughts on Manchester’s historic buildings. Beech Holdings specialise in the renovation of old, unloved and disused buildings.

Transforming derelict buildings, many of them listed – which may have lain empty for many years into energy-efficient, affordable accommodation for young professionals.

Environmental responsibility is very important to us and is integral to the Beech ethos. We use renewable energies in all our renovations, pioneering green technology in the property market.

I started the business in 2001, letting high quality, carbon-neutral properties to students in Rusholme.

I bought my first property at the age of 23 for £38,000. Fifteen years later we now have over 140 properties and £65m-worth of residential housing stock in Greater Manchester.

In 2014, we expanded into the city centre to break into a new market of young professionals. Those people who once rented off me as students are now trainee lawyers and accountants who have moved into our starter homes in the city centre.

In Manchester, there are many beautiful old buildings lying empty which are in need of renovation.

At Beech, we choose to redevelop these buildings, listening to the market and creating new studios and one-bedroom apartments using high-quality designs for young professionals in unique properties.

Manchester city centre has undergone a huge transformation over the past two decades and we will see more growth in the next 20 years than we have in the last.

The number of people living in the city will increase and people will stay here when they have their families.

We are hugely excited about the part we will play in this and are also delighted to be on board as a Property Partner of Business Week and look forward to collaborating with other key players in property across the city.

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