2nd September 2019
2 minutes

Record number of lets for Manchester Apartments

In August we celebrated a record number of lets with our sister company Manchester Apartments, achieving our best rates on record for both lets per day and lets per month.

In August this year, 96% of our apartments in Manchester have been let, this is vs 70-80% in the same period in 2018.

Rental demand and rental yields in Manchester are higher
than ever, highlighting that Brexit hasn’t affected these areas of the property
market, especially in the North West.

Our professional in-house lettings team have coped exceptionally well with high demand and limited availability, providing accommodation for students and professionals across Manchester city centre.

Our high-end apartments in Manchester are listed on Rightmove, Student.com, On The Market as well as StuRents, and are always oversubscribed and in demand. We pride ourselves on providing accommodation that meets demand in Manchester city centre for a variety of tenants with different budgets and requirements. From small studio apartments to 3-bedroom premium apartments, we certainly meet the needs for the renters of Manchester.

Working alongside Beech Design & Build, we plan, develop
and build the apartments let out to tenants, providing renters with high-spec
living quarters and shared social spaces. We specialise in transforming
Manchester’s unloved buildings into affordable and efficiently designed
apartments, as well as creating new-build developments in Manchester’s up and
coming neighbourhoods.

Invest in Manchester

Our mission is to make Manchester a better place to live
with our unique approach to property development and lettings. We are in the
development stage of several projects, creating new homes for the people of
Manchester in Ancoats, Piccadilly Basin and Trafford.

If you’re interested in investing in one of our future
developments, get in touch and we’ll introduce you to our exclusive new
apartments. Our investments are fully managed, from acquisition, construction,
lettings and property management, giving you peace of mind.

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