Property Development

We have been a leading UK developer for over two decades.

We’ve been developing high-quality buildings for over 20 years

As one of the UK’s leading developers, we have successfully delivered more than 1,000 properties to investors, with a further £300m worth of assets in the pipeline.

Unlike traditional property developers, all of our properties are designed, developed and built by our in-house team of architects, interior designers, project managers and construction specialists – ensuring we have control over every element of the building.

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New Build

All our new-build developments are built in areas of proven demand and huge undersupply. Our new build properties are also developed with sustainability built into their foundations, ensuring that they are around for the long-term and work with the planet rather than against it.
Weavers House Large 1 Bed 6


Over the last 20 years we have taken unloved and listed buildings deemed unfit for modern use and given them a new lease of life. Our in-house design and development team ensure we preserve original heritage features, whilst making the space work for the modern rental market.
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Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do

High quality finishes
Our developments are fitted with the highest quality fixtures, such as Amtico flooring with a 35-year guarantee, and A-rated 5* appliances with a 5-year guarantee, meaning they are replaced less frequently, which in turn reduces landfill.
Smart technologies
Fitted with sustainable technologies, including Airsource heat pumps with underfloor heating and heat recovery systems, our developments ensure our residents are provided with low energy bills and a low carbon output.
Our developments feature extensive insulation with high insulation values, to ensure the building’s heat is retained and does not leak out of the building, and does not contribute to greenhouse gases.